Support us to honour or remember someone special

Make a donation to acknowledge a special occasion or honour someone who has made a special contribution to your life. We will send a letter to honourees informing them that you have made a donation in their honour (Be sure to provide us with the name and complete address of your 'honouree'). The amount of your gift is not revealed.

Please note: Unless you specify otherwise, we will release your name and address to the honouree.

To make a donation to the Canadian Home Economics Foundation:

By Mail

Make a donation by mail by printing and completing the Gift Form and mailing it to our address below.

Canadian Home Economics Foundation / La Fondation canadienne pour l’Économie familiale
P.O. Box 2582 Stn Main
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 4B3


You may also donate using your credit card or by PayPal.

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